Housing providers

As a housing provider, you are crucial in helping prevent evictions as well as helping individuals and families find new homes. By making units more accessible to those in need and taking advantage of available programs, you can make a real difference in your community. Statewide programs such as the Landlord Guarantee Program provide housing providers up to $5,000 in financial assistance for damage caused by tenants housed through the Emergency Homelessness Response. Additionally, local Multi Agency Coordination (MAC) groups are providing resources for rehoused clients, including rental assistance and resources for housing providers to assist with any problems that arise during the client’s tenancy.

Through Oregon’s Emergency Homelessness Response, we’ve seen the impact that strong partnerships can have. By working with your local MAC group, you and your local service providers can develop strategies to address your community’s unique needs. Each community’s programs may vary in incentives and structure to ensure tenants and housing providers succeed in their partnerships. Please contact your local MAC group to learn how you can get involved.

Close-up image of a woman giving house keys to a tenant.

Landlords Liaisons