Partners in Responding to and Preventing Homelessness
In January 2023, Governor Tina Kotek declared a state of emergency to address homelessness in Oregon. Emergency Homelessness Response is a collaboration among the governor’s office, Oregon Housing and Community Services, Oregon Department of Emergency Management, and other state agencies to provide housing and supportive services to people who are experiencing homelessness.

Multi-Agency Coordination (MAC) Groups across Oregon are leading efforts to address homelessness in their community. Each MAC Group identifies interventions based on the needs of people experiencing unsheltered homelessness in its region and aims to help people find safe and affordable housing. By building strong relationships with landlords, MAC groups can find available units for those who need them, address the unique needs of their community, and ensure that everyone has a place to call home. Landlords who want to participate in rehousing Oregonians can find contact information for their region here.
OHCS recognized the importance of supporting rural areas and therefore required the formation of Local Planning Groups (LPGs) across all regions of the Balance of State. Divided into LPGs with designated leads, communities are collaborating to ensure equitable and efficient planning. Each region selected a different entity to lead their work, fostering diversity and flexibility crucial for engaging rural partners with varying involvement levels. To enhance these efforts, OHCS contracted with the Community Action Partnership of Oregon (CAPO) to bolster data tracking and outcome reporting for new providers and programs. Leveraging insights from the House Bill 5019 budget report, provider feedback, and prior funding structures, OHCS divided the funding process into two parts: formula funding tied to rehousing goals for each LPG or MAC Group, and competitive funding to support shelter bed creation, thereby ensuring comprehensive support across the Balance of State.
Multi-Agency Coordination (MAC) Groups

- Central Oregon
- Clackamas
- Clatsop
- Jackson
- Lane
- Linn
- Malheur
- Marion & Polk
- Multnomah
- Washington
Local Planning Groups

- Benton
- Columbia
- Coos
- Curry
- Douglas
- Gilliam, Morrow, Umatilla, & Wheeler
- Harney
- Hood River, Wasco, & Sherman
- Josephine
- Klamath-Lake
- Lincoln
- Linn
- Tillamook
- Wallowa, Union, Baker, & Grant
- Yamhill